2023 | A phenomenological analysis of Chronic Cancer-Related Fatigue, presentation together with Tom Bootsma. Phenomenology and qualitative research methodologies conference. University of Southern Denmark, Odense, June 8-9, 2023
Here is my recorded part of this presentation: |
2023 | Anti-narratives and the limits of resilience, presentation at conference: Resilience in the face of adversity: A core text approach, University College Tilburg, January 19-20, 2023. |
2021 | Lichamelijkheid van psychische aandoeningen. Lezing op de conferentie De Lijfelijkheid van de geest. Fenomenologie van verlies, rouw en herstel. 21 oktober 2021. Tilburg University |
2021 | Depressie als “belcihaamd ik kan niet”. Lezing op Webinar over Depressie en Lichamelijkheid, van de Society for Psychosomatics, 26 januari 2021. |
2019 | Voorbij lichaam en geest? Keynote speaker “Landelijk congres Onvoldoende verklaarde Lichamelijke Klachten”, organized by NOLK, October 4, 2019, Buitensociëteit, Zwolle. Hierbij een verslag van de bijeenkomst door Annemarie Huiberts.![]() |
2019 | Embodiment: Beyond Body and Mind. Anchor speaker EURONET SOMA Summer school, Groningen University, June 17, 2019 |
2019 | Mind the Body: Rethinking embodiment in healthcare, presentation in Body History seminar (organized by Willemijn Ruberg), Utrecht University, March 29, 2019. |
2019 | Lichaam en lichamelijkheid in de geneeskunde. Keynote speaker. UCP Symposium “Op het snijvlak van psychiatrie en somatiek” UMC Groningen, 7 februari 2019. |
2018 | Invited speaker at Florida Gulf Coast University, Fort Myers, FL, USA, 13th of November 2018![]() |
2018 | What is abnormal embodiment? Merleau-Ponty Circle meeting on The Normal and the Abnormal at University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, USA, 8-10 November 2018![]() |
2018 | Of heartsink patients and powerless professionals. Keynote lecture, conference Phenomenology of Medicine and Bioethics, Stockholm, 13-15 June 2018 |
2018 | Keynote speaker annual congress Association for Researchers in Health and Psychology (ARHP), Tilburg University, 25-26 January 2018 |
2016 | The experience of the body. Invited speaker at conference on “An integrative approach to Medically Unexplained Physical Symptoms” organized by the Dutch Association for Osteopathy (NVO), 16-17 September 2016 |
2016 | Vulnerability from a phenomenological-materialist view. Invited speaker at conference on Phenomenology and Vulnerability, at New School for Social Research, Husserl Archives, New York City, May 5-6, 2016![]() |
2016 | Incorporation and Habituation. Invited speaker at the Center for Science & Society, at Columbia University, New York City, 3 May 2016 |
2016 | Phenomenological materialism: experiencing the body’s materiality. Invited lecture in the series “Dem Erleben auf der Spur: Feminismus und Phänomenologie” (Discovering lived experience: feminism and phenomenology). Free University Berlin, 19 January 2016 Flyer Dem Erleben auf der Spur Feminismus und die Philosophie des Leibes |
2015 | Invited Lecture: Doing the body: Acquiring skills; habituation to prostheses, tools and physical changes. Telemark University College, Norway, December 2, 2015![]() |
2015 | Facing One’s Loss of Face. Key-note speaker Supportive care in Head & Neck Oncology, organized by the International Society of Maxillofacial Rehabilitation (ISMR), at UMC Groningen, 18 June 2015 |
2015 | Panel discussion on my book Our Strange Body. The Nordic Society for Phenomenology annual conference. Phenomenological Crossings. Södertörn University, Stockholm 23-25 April, 2015
2015 | Phenomenology of the Body in the Medical Encounter, paper, Phenomenology and Health conference, TORCH, University of Oxford, March 27-28, 2015.A Highlights video of this conference is available online |
2014 | A Phenomenological Perspective on Bodily Identity, invited talk, Philosophy Department, University of Bristol, October 29, 2014 |
2014 | “The Body” in history, philosophy, science and culture, invited lecture, BA Medical Humanities, University of Bristol, October 29, 2014 |
2014 | Revisiting the concept of ‘incorporation’. Invited talk, Philosophy Department, Radboud University Nijmegen, May 22, 2014 |
2014 | Handling the disabling sequelae of mutilating treatment. Invited lecture at the 11th International Netherlands Cancer Institute Head and Neck Symposium, Netherlands Cancer Institute, Antoni van Leeuwenhoek hospital, Amsterdam, April 10-11, 2014 |
2014 | Invited lecture: Corps étranger: Méditations phénoménologiques sur l’identité corporelle et des interventions médicales, École Française de Daseinsanalyse, École Normale Supérieure, rue d’Ulm, Paris, April 5, 2014 |
2013 | Invited Lecture: Doing the Body: Habituation to Prostheses and Tools. PhD-course in Body-Based Practices. Between Nature and Culture. Telemark University College, BØ Norway, December 9, 2013 |
2013 | Key-note lecture Philosophy in residence: Attending to the empirical without losing conceptual rigor and reflective force. Annual meeting Dutch Research School of Philosophy (OZSW), Erasmus University, Rotterdam, November 15-16, 2013 |
2013 | Research presentation, The meaning of body experience evaluation in oncology, Science Day, GROW School for Oncology & Developmental Biology, Maastricht, November 14 2013 |
2013 | Our Strange Body. Presentation and subsequent round table discussion about my new book (manuscript). Symposium Phenomenologicum, Perugia, Italy, July 8, 2013 |
2013 | Body Talk I: Habituation to bodily changes after breast surgery. Paper at conference Future Directions in Feminist Phenomenology, London, Ontario, Canada, May 23-25 |
2013 | Phenomenology of the Body in Health and Medicine. Invited lecture in the lecture series The Significance of Phenomenology, Philosophy Department, University of Amsterdam, March 28, 2013 |
2012 | Key-note lecture: Patients in the Flesh: On Embodied Selfhood in Medical Practices, at the Conference “Re-thinking the self- Transnational and Transdisciplinary Bioethical and Biopolitical Concerns”, Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, Helsinki, April 10-12, 2012 |
2011 | Presentation Bodily Integrity in Blemished Bodies, Annual Meeting WTMC, Amsterdam, December, 8-9, 2011 |
2011 | Presentation Bodily Integrity in Blemished Bodies, European Association of Centers of Medical Ethics (EACME) conference, Istanbul, September, 15-17, 2011 |
2011 | Presentation Bodily Integrity in Blemished Bodies, CAPHRI annual meeting, Maastricht, May 19, 2011 |
2010 | Invited speaker, The Ambiguous Ontology of Disfigured Bodies, Symposium ICOG, “Laqueur Revisited: between constructed bodies and bodily materiality”, Groningen University, November 22-23, 2010 |
2010 | Presentation Phenomenology of Bodily Integrity in Disfiguring Breast Cancer. Conference “Bodily Phenomenology”, Centre for Studies in Practical Knowledge, Södertön University, Stockholm, Sweden, May 19-21, 2010. |
2009 | Treatment at Any Cost: How Much Mutilation is Acceptable at Young Age?, Presentation together with Michiel van den Brekel (ENT specialist NKI-AVL) and Guy Widdershoven (Free University Amsterdam), The 9th International Netherlands Cancer Institute Head and Neck Symposium, Netherlands Cancer Institute -Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital (NKI-AVL) Amsterdam, April 16-17. |
2009 | L’intégrité corporelle. Invited speaker at conference Schéma corporel et image du corps, Département de Philosophie, Université de Genève (projet de recherche: Identité, corps, suject (ICS)) et Haute École de Santé (HEdS), March 12-13, 2009. Sheets presentation |
2008 | Exploring Bodily Integrity on the Basis of Patient’s Narratives, Paper EACME (European Associations of Centers for Medical Ethics) conference, Prague, September 24-26. |
2007 | A Strange(r’s) Hand: Empathy and Self-attribution. Paper Annual Meeting Nordic Society for Phenomenology, Copenhagen, April 20-22. |
2006 | Visible Changes in Appearance and Bodily Identity, Paper international conference on Time in Feminist Phenomenology, Universität Vechta, October 4-7 |
2006 | The Body’s Difference: Identity in Contemporary Culture, Invited speaker, international conference on First Philosophy, Phenomenology and Ethics, Nijmegen, September 21-23. |
2006 | On the (im)possibility of immediate bodily experience, Paper international conference Mediated Bodies, Maastricht University, September 14-16. |
2004 | The Myth of Interiority, Paper Expert Meeting The Mediated Body, Maastricht University, 30-31 January 30-31. |
2003 | Erlebnis-Empfindnis: The Locus of Lived Experience, Paper Merleau-Ponty Circle Meeting, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada, September 18-20. |
2003 | Body, Flesh and Life: Bergson and Phenomenology, Invited speaker Collegium Phaenomenologicum, Citta di Castello, Italy, July 24 |
2003 | De l’aisthêsis à la poïêsis, Invited speaker colloque Merleau-Ponty: de la perception à l’action, Université de Provence, Aix en Provence, May 15-16. |
2003 | Frappé(e) par les flèches de Saint-Sébastien : Pour une phénoménologie non-eidétique, Invited speaker colloque international sur l’esthétique et l’herméneutique: La fin des grands récits?, L’université de Bourgogne et le centre Gaston Bachelard de Recherches sur l’imaginaire et la rationalité, Dijon, April 3-4. |
2002 | Symbolic Fragmentation, Paper Expert Meeting The Mediated Body, Maastricht University, May, 30-31. |
2002 | L’invisible dans le visible. Vers une phénoménologie de l’eikôn, Invited speaker Colloque International; Merleau-Ponty aux frontières de l’invisible, Faculté de Philosophie, Université Jean Moulin Lyon III, March 1-2. |
2002 | Singular Body Images from a Feminist and Phenomenological Point of View, Paper Expert Meeting Feminist Phenomenology and Hermeneutics, Radboud University Nijmegen, February 8-10. |
2001 | Participant Table ronde with Jean-Luc Nancy, Conference Political Theologies, ASCA, Amsterdam, June 27-29. |
2001 | Ex-corpore: Integrity and Identity of the Body, Paper at The Annual Meeting of the International Association for Philosophy and Literature (IAPL), Atlanta, Georgia, USA, May 1-5. |
2000 | L’impensé de Descartes: lecture des notes de cours sur ‘L’ontologie cartésienne et l’ontologie d’aujourd’hui’, Paper at Symposium Phenomenologicum in Perugia, Italy, July 17-21. |
2000 | Désir et expression, invited speaker Journée Merleau-Ponty, École Normale Supérieure, rue d’Ulm, Paris, April 28. Journée d’études ENS |
1999 | The Psychoanalysis of Nature and the Nature of Expression, Merleau-Ponty Circle, Wrexham, Wales, July 29 – August 1. |
1997 | Foi et Voir: Télé-vision, entre confiance aveugle et foi perceptive, Paper at Conference Religion et média, l’Institut néerlandais Paris, December 15-17. |
1996 | Philosophy of the Body as “Figured Philosophy”, Paper at conference Philosophy of the Body: Merleau-Ponty, Slovensko drustvo za estetiko, Ljubljana, Slovenia, November 21-22. |
1996 | Narcissus and the Mirror of Flesh: Subjectivity in the Late Merleau-Ponty, Paper at Second International Philosophy Conference: International Perspectives on Continental Philosophy, University of Essex, Colchester, England, February 24. |