2023-2029 |
Femke van Hout – A never ending story. An Empirical-Philosophical Study of Chronic Illness Experiences. NWO PhD in the Humanities grant. |
2021-2025 | Marga Pruijt – Van buitenstaanders naar deelnemers. De professionalisering van vroedvrouwen in Noord-Brabant, 1861-1941 |
2019-2024 | Hans-Georg Eilenberger – Age and Existence: An Empirical-Philosophical lnvestigation of Late Life. NWO PhD in Humanities grant |
2018-2026 | Ingeborg van den Bold – Mindfulness and the body in the experience of being ill. |
2018- 2023 |
Tom Bootsma – Which treatment is most effective for the individual patient suffering from Chronic Cancer-related Fatigue? Network theory and the patient perspective. PhD candidate REFINE project at Helen Dowling Instituut, Bilthoven. PhD defense 15th of November 2023. Open access |
2017-2024 | Irene Groenevelt – The meaning of embodiment in medically unexplained physical symptoms (MUPS). PhD candidate VICI project |
2017-2023 | Elise Doeschot – The meaning of embodiment in obesity. PhD candidate VICI project |
2017-2023 | Sanne van Driel – The meaning of embodiment in depression. PhD candidate VICI project |
2011-2017 | Gili Yaron – Doing Facial Difference: The lived experiences of individuals with facial limb absence. PhD candidate VIDI-project PhD defense 8th of June 2018. Open access |
2011-2016 | Marjolein de Boer – Extended Bodies: An empirical-philosophical study to women’s bodily experiences in breast cancer. PhD candidate VIDI-project. PhD defense 14th of December 2016 Open access |
PhD-JURY | |
2023 | Jury PhD Roel van Oorsouw, Embodied Recovery: Exploring lifeworld dimensions and the value of physiotherapy in the intensive care unit and beyond, December 12, 2023, Radboud UMC, Nijmegen (Supervisiors: Philip van der Wees, Mark van den Boogaard, Anke Oerlemans, Niek Koenders). |
2022 | Jury PhD Patrick T. McConville, Phenomenology and artificial hearts, (Supervisor Catherine Mills), December 2022, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia |
2022 | Jury PhD Yi Wu, Say no to the knife: An investigation of Chinese and Dutch women’s consideration of cosmetic surgery and how to intervene. (Supervisors Sandra Mulkens, Jessica Alleva), 15th of November 2022, Maastricht University |
2021 | Jury PhD Nathanja van den Heuvel, Towards a Feminist Playology Social Sport Studies and the Limits of Critique (Supervisors: James McAllister, Frank Chouraqui), 9th of December 2021, Leiden University |
2020 | Jury PhD Jolanda Asmoredjo, Change through Exchange: Exploring the role of international exchange in organisational development of care organisations (Supervisors: Mirjam van Reisen & Sjaak Kroon). 22nd of December 2020, Tilburg University |
2019 | Jury PhD Claudia Eghers, Mental Health Online: The enactment of expertise on bipolar disorder on American and French online platforms. (Supervisors: Sally Wyatt, Tamar Sharon). Maastricht University, 4th of December 2019. |
2019 | Jury PhD Delphine Jacobs, Autism Spectrum Disorder diagnosis in young children: views and experiences of parents and physicians. A clinical-ethical study. (Supervisors: Kris Dierckx, Kristien Hens, Jean Steyaert). 7th of October 2019, KU Leuven |
2019 | Jury PhD Gerrie Strik, Een plantaardig ademen: Nieuw materialisme in het vroege oeuvre van Hella S. Haasse (supervisors Sander Bax, Odile Heynders). 26th of June, 2019, Tilburg University |
2019 | Jury PhD Fieke Bruggeman-Everts, Evaluation of two different Web-based interventions for chronic cancer-related fatigue, Universiteit Twente (Supervisors: Miriam Vollenbroek, Marije van der Lee and Rens van de Schoot), 11 January, 2019 |
2018 | Jury PhD Lianne Toussaint, Wearing Technology: When Fashion and Technology Entwine. Radboud University Nijmegen, (Supervisors: Anneke Smelik, Peter-Paul Verbeek), 6 September, 2018 |
2015 | Jury PhD Hanneke van der Meide, Why frailty needs vulnerability – A care ethical study into the lived experiences of older hospital patients (Supervisiors: Carlo Leget, Gert Olthuis, Frans Vosman), Tilburg University, 6 May, 2015 |
2014 | Jury PhD Nico de Vos, Lichamelijke verbondenheid in beweging. Een filosofisch onderzoek naar intercorporaliteit in de danskunst (Supervisors Odile Heynders, Frans van Peperstraten), Tilburg University, 16 December, 2014 |
2014 | Jury PhD Fauve Lybaert, Personal Identity and the Formal Self, (supervisor Arnold Burms), Hoger Instituut voor Wijsbegeerte, Leuven, 22 April, 2014 |
2013 | Jury PhD Antina de Jong, Prenatal Screening à la carte. Ethical Reflection on the Scope of Testing for fœtal Anomalies, Maastricht University/MUMC (Supervisors: Guido de Wert, Wybo Dondorp, Christine de Die), November 7, 2013 |
2012 | Jury Ph.D. Merel Visse Openings for humanization in modern health care practices. VU Medical Center, Amsterdam (Supervisors Tineke Abma and Guy Widdershoven), December 14, 2012 |
2012 | Jury Ph.D. Jenny Boulboulé In touch with Life: Investigating epistemic practices in the Life Sciences from a hands-on perspective, Maastricht University (Supervisor Robert Zwijnenberg), December 20, 2012 |
2011 | Jury Ph.D. Dissertation Joeri Calsius, Ruimte voor Angst. Het vermogen tot existentiële bewustwording doorheen angst in relatie tot het lichaam en authenticiteit, (Supervisors Hans Alma and Heleen Pott). Universiteit voor Humanistiek, Utrecht, May 17, 2011 |
2010 | Jury Ph.D. Dissertation Liesbet Quaeghebeur A Philosophy of Everyday: Face to Face Conversation (Supervisor Peter Reynaert). Antwerp University, October 11, 2010 |
2010 | Jury Ph.D. Dissertation Luigi Corrias, The Passivity of Law: Competence and Constitution in The European Body Politic, (Supervisor Bert van Roermund), Tilburg University, February 17, 2010 |
2010 | Jury Ph.D. Dissertation Gregory De Vleeschouwer, Getekend door het lichaam: de rol van het lichaam bij de totstandkoming van persoons-identiteit (supervisor Arnold Burms), Hoger Instituut voor Wijsbegeerte, Leuven University, January 11, 2010 |
REVIEWING Journals: Scientific Publishers: Research Foundations: |